Regional Meeting of the SEEDI  
South-East European Digitization Initiative:
Methodology and Applications

11-13 June 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria

Hosted by:

Institute for Bulgarian Language – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, co-founder of SEEDI

Digitisation of Scientific Heritage Dept.,
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

with the kind support of the Central European Initiative

Steering Committee:
Giuliana de Francesco (Italy), Smile Markovski (Macedonia),
Zoran Ognjanović (Serbia and Montenegro) – Chair

Organizing committee:
Nikola Ikonomov (Bulgaria) – Chair, Victoria Naoumova, Tsvetanka Pencheva, Anna Sameva


Hotel of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

1113 Sofia Shipchenski prohod 50, Tel. +359-2-8710009, 8702140

Preliminary Programme

June 10



Visit to National Museum of History


Welcome Reception

June 11




Leading technologies in the digital preservation of and access to cultural heritage: Presentations of international projects and initiatives

Chaired by Zoran Ognjanović, 30 minutes per presentation

Myriam Diocaretz (European Writers’ Congress, Belgium)
Overview of the 'successful' digital culture pan-European projects of the IS&Media programme

Rosella Caffo (Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage)
European strategies and actions for accessing cultural digital content: the Dynamic action plan and the Michael project

Adolf Knoll (National Library, Czech Republic)
International Co-operation in Building Access to Digitized Resources

Kiril Ribarov (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Conjunction of our aims   a view on cooperation initiatives


Country Reports for associated countries (AC), new independent states (NIS), new member states (NMS) and West Balkan countries (WB)

Chaired by Giuliana de Francesco, 20 minutes per presentation

June 12


Presentations of best practices, methodologies and applications in digital preservation of and access to cultural heritage
Chaired by Smile Markovski, 30 minutes per presentation

Benedeto Benedetti , Emilia Maschi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)
ICT Systems for the communication, preservation, management and exploitation of Cultural Heritage. The involvement of Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa – Consorzio FORMA in some running experiences within EU Projects and a discussion on new perspectives toward the VII Framework Program

Thomas Aigner (Church History Institute, Austria)
Monasterium – Practical experiences in digitising charters of central European monasteries

Matthew Driscoll (Copenhagen University, Denmark)
XML mark-up of biographical and prosopographical data


Discussion: SEEDI action plan, constitution and next conference
Chairs: Giuliana de Francesco (Italy), Smile Markovski (Macedonia),
Zoran Ognjanović (Serbia and Montenegro)


Visit to the Digitization Center of IMI-BAS and presentation of the KT-DigiCult Project


Internal meeting: KT-DigiCult Project Steering Committee, guest researchers and IMI-BAS staff


Farewell Dinner

June 13


Presentations of best practices, methodologies and applications in digital preservation of and access to cultural heritage (continued)

Chaired by Adolf Knoll, 30 minutes per presentation

Matthew Zimmerman (New York University, USA) Best Practices for Digital Libraries

Jan Engelen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium)
Cultural Heritage: accessible for all?

Judy Best (National Research Council, Canada)
Digital preservation as seen by a publisher


Closing discussion: the regional dimension and readiness for participation in joint initiatives





Transfer to Bansko for ELPUB participants