Borovetz declaration (full text)
The participants in the symposium on Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage within the frameworks of the International Congress MASSEE'2003, held in Borovets, Bulgaria (September 15-21, 2003) concerned with the future development of digitization of scientific and cultural heritage in South-Eastern Europe and agreed that:
- We are convinced that we face common problems and share common scientific and cultural heritage. The knowledge and experience of single institutions from our countries should not stay isolated. It is of great importance to take measures for increase of the communication and exchange of technological expertise, standards and practical skills within the region, taking into account the experience of colleagues outside the region.
- Additional effort should be made to respond to the Action Plan envisaged in the Lund Principles of the European Union.
- In this meeting, we agreed that we should seek means of support for the following basic kinds of work of the network:
- To mobilise the human and material resources existing in the region;
- To disseminate scientific information as well as the results of research;
- To facilitate communication between centres having similar scientific interest.
Conclusions of the round table on the future cooperation 2004
During the Third International Conference "New Technologies and Standards: Digitization of National Heritage 2004" June, 3-5, 2004, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, a round table was organized to facilitate the future cooperation. The following points were agreed upon:
- The name SEEDI (proposed by Adolf Knoll from the National Library of the Czech Republic) should be used for our cooperation initiative.
- We should continue organizing meetings dedicated to digitization of cultural and scientific heritage in the region.
- We should work to achieve the Borovetz declaration on South-Eastern European Network for Digitization of Scientific and Cultural Heritage to be signed by more colleagues, research and cultural institutions from the other South-Eastern and Central-European countries.
- The journal Review of the National Center for Digitization, Serbia, would serve as a permanent cooperation tool for dissemination of ideas, experiences and results of researches from the region and abroad.
- A mailing list for permanent communication between researchers involved in digitization would be established in the framework of the Internet presentation of the National Center for Digitization (Serbia and Montenegro).
A Proposal of the SEEDI Statute (full text)
During the Regional Meeting of the SEEDI South-East European Digitization Initiative: Methodology and Applications (11-13 June 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria) a proposal of the SEEDI-statute was formulated and discussed.